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AVAX Car Parking and Site Entry Exit Control Program

AVAX Car Parking and Site Entry & Exit Control Program

  • Our Avax OGS and HGS programme has been developed by us and allows you to make additional modules and software.
  • Our Avax OGS and HGS programme has a healthy usage content in each area where we want to provide vehicle control in sites and parking lots.
  • Avax OGS and HGS program is working online.
  • The login screen of our program is coded and it opens by code entry and the interface of selecting different databases according to authorization class.
  • Instant information can be followed in our easy-to-understand interface.
  • On our main screen, the connection situations &datas  of your devices are displayed so as to be control instantly and overcome all the errors that may occur immediately .On the main screen, the parking status (Vehicle Capacity) is displayed, and the number of vehicles,occupancy and data of parked cars staying inside take place in numerically on the screen.
  • The "Manual Detent" feature on the main screen allows instant access without registering in order to provide an instant passing for unregistered visitors. You can specify the reason for  the passing permission given visitors  on the description section and can be showed in reports.
  • All online passing information can be displayed on the screen thanks to the easy interface during the online passing process, including "Date, Name&Surname , Card Type, Passing point, Card Number, Description and Passing Type" .
  • For detailed profile information, the member information window opens when you double click on the passing data.
  • All details are included on the passing type section.By specifying  all positive - negative information of passings such as  passing violation, vehicle seems inside, undefined passing, etc. on the description section of passing screen ,they have been presented to user interface .Thanks to the Date Bar on the main screen, you can easily access to the information of previous and next days data with the help of mouse.
  • For visitors passing ,except registered subscribers or members ,you can also save information of visitor definitions and  control of all the passings to your space and visitors can be enabled.
  • For visitor passings, recording of information of visitor’s car plate contact and T.C. data can be  created.
  • In the passages of the visitor, the visitor who visited the subscriber or member can be selected and the reason information can be entered.
  • For the passings done by visitors , the visited person by visitor , the reason of coming can be entered by selecting subscriber or member .
  • Thanks to the feature of adding photo on the visitor card ,you can add a photo of the visitor or a picture of the car by taking it .
  • You can give visitor card to the visitors . At the end of the day, you can also watch which visitors exit  out  and which of them stay inside.
  • In the member registration window, all information about the member can be reserved.
  • In this programme staff  photos can be added to the staff cards
  • According to the usage of the parking lot, it is possible to specify in this programme how many vehicles the members can park in the parking lot .By assuming that a car parking space is available when a member card is issued for an apartment, when a family has 2 vehicles, the member card allows a single vehicle. For the passing procedures of second vehicle , car park controllers are also  being informed by alerting that there is your vehicle inside .
  • More than one card can be defined for a member by arranging it according to usage situation.
  • For a same member who has a space reserved for 3 vehicles  , 5 cards can be defined . In the passing process, the first 3 vehicles of the member will be allowed and for further vehicle passings  ,by giving the quota exceeded information , they will not be let in  .
  •  With the "Block Person" feature on person cards, card can be blocked so that no one else can use it when that person’s card is lost.
  • The member card,  personnel card, visitor card and license plate card can be defined beforehand from the entry card transactions. Thus, when opening a member card, the card which is empty from the defined cards can be easily seen and selected.
  • Thanks to advanced reporting, each transaction can be easily reported. The filtering feature makes searching easier for Personnel reports, Personnel name, Card type, passing type, Company, Plate, Block, Apartment etc.
  • Thanks to the advanced software language used in the report fields, the desired report can be prepared as stay linked to the user selection notwithstanding to the fixed report.
  • Since fields are addable and removable, there is an easy way to personalize your report.
  • Reports can be saved as Excel and PDF. If you prefer, you can send the output directly to your printer, which is defined by our program, thanks to the Send to printer feature.
  • Visitor reports are able to report all information from the arrival time of the visitor to the time of departure, up to whose visitor he or she is .
  • Thanks to internal and external reporting, the vehicles stay inside and vehicles gone out can be reported together with all the information.
  • Thanks to our analysis reports, you can view which days the vehicle entry / exit is more active from the number of parking lot passings reports .
  • For the reporting, usage data can be reported by defining as today, this week, this month, this year, and the entire time interval .
  • For the operation of the program, a standard computer used in the companies is sufficient  and an extra computer is not needed.
  • The program can be run in Microsoft operating systems.
  • If the program is installed on a computer connected to internet, it will be possible to get service from our support specialist in the call center within 5 minutes.
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