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AVAX SG500 Speed Gate Turnstile

It is a latest improved security turnstile which provides space saving with compact design. They offer sufficient space to integrate any access control system.


Operating Modes

  • Single passage in the set direction

  • Bi- directional single passage

  • Free passage in the set direction

  • Always free of locked


AVAX SG500 Technical Specifications

Passage Width: ≤ 550 mm
Throughput Rate: 35 p/m
Power Supply: 100-240 V/(ac)
Operating Voltage: 24 V/(dc)
Maximum Power Consumption: 35 watt
Frequency: 50-60 hz
Protection Levet: > 44 IP
Operating Temperature: - 25 ~ + 70 degree
Dimension Excluding Wings: 1000 mm x 280 mm x 980 mm
Net Weight İncluding Wings: 80 kg.

Technical Drawing

SG500 Teknik Çizim


Usage Areas

Factories Airports Public Institutions Plazes Smart Buildings
Hospitals Logistics Areas Chain Stories Residances Dams
Business Centers Academies Hotels Military Areas Shopping Malls



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