By means ofCard Personnel Attendance Control system, you can organize and take under control working personnel entry into and exit out from the companies. Proximity or Mifare card reader personnel attendance device consists of personnel attendance control system program and proximity card.
Personnel Card Access System Devices
It is mounted on the wall or turnstile system where the personnel enter and exit. It connectsto the computer with cat 6 to provide communication through IP. After authorizing the card according to the selected model and following to make read ,if passing authorizaton is available ,by unlocking the door or providing passing permit from turnstile both personnel attendance and access control can be done. Holds the read cards in the device memory and transfers the information to the computer when prompted by the program. With TCP / IP Network connection,it can transfer entry and exit data not only to local network but also to far points. Some card personnel attendance devices have additional relays that will ring factory bells at break time and shift ends.
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Personnel Attendance Control Software
It is a Personnel Attendance Control Programme ( PDKS ) which may report such entry and exit times of working personnel,late comers ,early leavings and absentees with the data coming from Personnel card reading system.. The foundation of the PDKS software which has been developed completely by PERKOTEK has been laid in 2002 and updated to current strongest situtation with the customer demands so far, and nowadays it is used in over 50,000 companies. The personnel attendance control software can also calculate end of month salary by deducting late coming,early leaving and advance payments and by adding overtime working ,bonus and additional earnings and transfer the score card data to official payroll programmes.
Personnel Cards and Accessories
The cards used in the card personnel attendance systems are also used as unprinted or printed with company logo, serial number and first name last name . To protect the cards and hang on the collar, you can check the badge protector and apparatus from below.