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Technical Specifications

Energy: 50 Hz - 220 Volts AC
Power Consumption: 80 Watt
Case: It has an electrostatic powder painted case over 1.5 DKP sheet.
Operating Temperatures: between -20 and +60 degrees.
Dimensions: 122.5 cm x 25 cm x 18 cm.
System: This device, which can work offline and online, is microprocessor based. With all the optional features available on the electronic circuit, all the required information can be provided to the customer thanks to the graphic display on the device. It can also give audible warnings and goes offline mode if there is a problem with the communication cable or the control computer. Thus, continuous uninterrupted operation will be ensured.
Mode of Operation: Entry with Ticket : The arrival time of the incoming vehicle is taken from the computer as day-month-year-hour-minute-second. The device offers this information as a thermal barcode ticket to the customer. When the customer receives the ticket, this information is transmitted to the barrier to open it. Exit with Ticket : The customer who has been already given the thermal ticket ,gives his ticket to the system operator when checking out. The operator also charges a fee by transferring the ticket which the reader has already read (barcode) before to the computer software. Subscription Entries: The incoming vehicles to the Loop Detector shows the subscribed card (mifare card) to the mifare card reader on the ticket dispenser. After checking the login information of the card read by the card reader , access is granted according to the subscription. At this time, the relay outputof the barrier actively allows visitor to pass by the vehicle. Subscription Exits: After The mifare subscriber card which is given to the ticket dispenser system operator will be  shown to reader by operator ,exit permit shall be given . In other words,check in is recorded to the data base on the computer.
Communication Method: Ticket dispenser and computer communicate through RS-485.
Mounting: Mounting can be done quickly and easily thanks to the mounting kit of the ticket dispenser.
Warranty Period: The system is warranted for 2 years.
Quality Certificates: ISO 9001 and ISO 2008
Related Search: Ticket car parking, Toll parking system, ticket dispenser, parking entrance and exit with ticket, parking fee system, subscription parking system, parking card, ticket dispenser and toll collection machine, park charging fee system, domestic production ticket dispenser machine.
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