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Cylinder Swing Gate Turnstile 90 cm arm length

Swing Gate Turnstile Technical Specifications

Power: 100 - 240 v ac
Power consumptıon: 60 w
Trunk: 1,2 mm 304 quality stainless steel or electrostatic paint on metal sheet
Operatıng temperature: (-20), (+50) °c
Smart arm: The arm senses any objects it touches during its back and forth movements and react accordingly.
Control: dry contact is used for pass triggering. All sorts of access control units and other peripherals may easily be connected.
System: It has been designed with a microprocessor control. It has bidirectional operation. It has a data output on the pass direction. This output can either be a digital output or directly sent to a pc when controlled by a pc. System switches to automatic free passing mode in case of a power failure.
Button control: Also works with a single or double button control. In single button control, turnstile will make its subsequent movement (closes if open, opens if closed) every time the button is pressed. In double button control, there are separate buttons for opening and closing.
Tıme control: If you wish the turnstile to close automatically some time after opening, it has a time control adjustable to the desired time.
Lock mechanısm: It has a microprocessor controlled electromechanic locking mechanism. The mechanism allows passing only by cutting of electric signal given under the control of the microprocessor. In other circumstances, the turnstile should be internally interfered or the arm should be broken by non-permitted passers.
Emergency mode: Control opportunity linking to security systems (automatic free pass mode in emergency situations and fire alarms) is available. Emergency passes can also be made by remote control. This way, the turnstile allows for emergency exits.
Remote control: Can be controlled by buttons (30 m) or keyless (3 m) remotes. By the keyless command module attached to the key holder, when the user is 3 meters close, the turnstile recognizes the user and opens the gate without pressing any buttons. 1-500 button or keyless remote controls can be introduced to a turnstile.
Applıcatıons: Unique input and output sound effects, pass alert blinkers, optional body colors.
Warranty: 2 years
Certıfıcates: Iso 9001:2008
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