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Turnstile Technical Specifications

POWER : 100 - 240 V AC
TRUNK : 1,5 mm 304 quality stainless steel
ARM LENGTH : 65 cm
DIMENSIONS:  1100 mm x 1380 mm x 2250 mm
CONTROL : For pass triggering, it may be used by dry contact or 3-50 V DC impact, or by direct PC control with TTL, CMOS or RS232 - RS422 - 485 can be used. Up to 256 turnstiles can be supervised by a single PC. All sorts of access control units and other peripherals may easily be connected.
SYSTEM : It has been designed with a microprocessor control. It has bidirectional operation. It has a data output on the pass direction. This output can either be a digital output or be directly sent to a PC when controlled by a PC. System switches to automatic free pass mode in case of a power failure.
EMERGENCY MODE : Can be controlled by linking to security systems (automatic free pass mode in emergency situations and fire alarms).
DISPLAY PANELS : Illuminated three-level display provides access control for the system. If turnstile is ready for access, a green arrow flashles. When access is granted the green arrow permanently lights up. At the moment one has passed througt the tourniguet, red 'X' sign appears for the opposite direction as an indication of blocked access.
CUSTOM DESIGN : Smooth and quiet access features are integrated in a decorative design by its unique configuration.
APPLICATION : Unique input and output sound effects, pass alert blinkers, optional body colors.
WARRANTY : 2 years
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