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Economic Swing Gate Turnstile with Roller Glass

Economic Swing GateTurnstile with Roller Glass Technical Specifications

Working Voltage: It has 100 - 240 V AC power.
Power: 50 watts power consumption.
Body Features: 304 stainless steel
Working Temperature: It works without problems between -20 and +60 degrees.
Smart Arm Feature: During forward or backward movement, turnstile can respond by sensing objects.
Control: In addition to working in harmony with other peripherals and access control units, it can also provide dry contact for the detenting of the passing .
System Features: When the power is cut off, the system automatically switches on and off mode. This is due to the power source in the turnstile. Thanks to microprocessor control, it offers bidirectional passing and gives a data output in the passing direction. This data can also be sent to the computer via the optional IO card.
Control of the sensor: The safety sensor prevents movement if the person is standing in front of the arm. It is forbidden to check even with remote control in such cases. If the passing is completed, the closing operation is applied.
Control of the button: These turnstiles provide possibility  for single or double pass. For double button control ,one button is used for opening and the other button is used for closing. In the single button control, the next operation is performed after each press.
Time Control: You can turn on or turn off the turnstile at any time ,by means of time control feature.
Emergency Mode Features: In case of emergency such as fire, earthquake or disaster, the turnstile system automatically switches to free pass mode. You can also control this feature with the remote control.
Optional Indicator: The green arrow flashes continuously when the turnstile is allowed to pass. During the pass, the green arrow will light continuously. The red "x" sign lights continuously when the passing is not allowed. The three-position illuminated indicator will make your use easier.
Optional Remote Control: When you approach the turnstile 3 meters with the keyless control, turnstile can recognize the user and allows to pass . If you wish ,at the same time you can also control with the remote control. You can record up to 1,500 buttons or remote controls to a turnstile.
Optional Applications: You can use the signal lamp to give a warning at passings or the sound effects that you will set at the enter and exit, as well as the body color of the turnstile is preferable
Warranty Period: The turnstile is under warranty for 2 years.
Quality Certificates: ISO 2008, ISO 9001 and TSEK  
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