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Guard Tour Proximity Guard Patrol Tour Control System

Made in TURKEY

Another first in Turkey !!!. You can see the  blows on the Guard Tour Smart Pen caused by your Security officers  as knowingly or unknowingly , while taking reports .

Dear customers, , imitations of Guard Tour Smart Pen  made from plastic are sold in the market, please check carefully if the pen that you will get quotation or buy is stainless steel or not .

Provides 100% Security Control wherever you need security and Guard Tour System has been produced to be exported as native Turkish products with manufacturing,service ,compliance which  is an integral part of all security automation projects. The Guard Tour system was created using the most advanced technologies of our age. The guard tours system, which was developed in computer structure  as a necessity for the  years of 2000 years, operates in Windows environment. In addition, the reporting capacity can be increased to provide a wider and more detailed reporting of the control process.

Once you have identified the security points that are installed in the security premises, a security officer takes tour with the Proximity smart pen at half an hour or one hour at a time, and approaches the pen approximately  5-7 cm to points to define that he patrols .

When the guard aproaches the pen to the point ,it defines  that it has read and recorded the point on the memory by flashing light and making a beep sound. The operator continues and completes the tour in the same way as being instructed to him. You can get the  GUARD TOUR smart pen  from your guard as daily ,weekly, or monthly  up to your decision and you can put it on the transmission device which is placed in the Guard Tour Set  .And transmission will be promptly start after your command then you will be able to follow up the security officer where he has controlled by taking tour and when and which points  are the unchecked ,where he was during a possible emergency situtation  and you can obtain reports on all of these details and follow up. If you want, it keeps the reports as saved  or qualified software can keep save the files with back up and allows you to reach all the data until the day you first set up the system.

GUARD TOUR Proximity Reader's outer surface (SS 304) is made of stainless steel and impact resistant. Because of the center of gravity is at the back side , in case of falling down , first the back side will touch the floor . The intensity of the incoming blow will be absorbed on the ABS plastic covered body and will reach to the reader in front of the pen with minimum vibration .The GUARD TOUR smart pen which is with 100% waterproof feature is manufactured to operate in all kinds of weather conditions.

Thanks to the RFID-enabled transfer device, data can be transferred quickly and safely to the PC. At the same time, with the advanced kit used as a charger, the pen is at your service for 60 days after a charge. The last 50 readers give warning with visual and sound before the battery power goes dead.

Control points (Safety Point Buttons) can be easily installed everywhere. It is not affected by heat, water, magnetic field and pressure, and is not damaged by dirty and rainy environments. All kinds of spare material are available. It is 100% domestic production and the computer program is in Turkish and can support different languages.

In the majority of companies, guards do not take tours in day time. In this case, GUARD TOUR Pen remains inactive during the day. With special software, it is possible to report  company's own vehicles ‘ coming and going out times during the day time , and also if service vehicles which transfer staff arrive on time or not .

Did you know that 73% of our customers who use the Guard tour system wanted to have such a system after they experienced undesired situations such as theft, fire, etc? . Do not leave your business to chance , Security is the most important factor that must never be neglected .

Factories, businesses, indoor and outdoor warehouses-storehouses, shopping malls, military facilities and bases, business centers, car parks, as a summary, every zone which requires security needs a security guard.

Well; Are your security officers regularly taking tour around the defined points by you? If you are unsure, you are under risk!

Our Guard Tour Control program has MSSQL database.



  • Recording Memory: Up to 8,000 recording can be stored .
  • Number of Tags: Unlimited
  • Operating Voltage: 3.6 volts 12 Ma NIMH operating voltage
  • Temperature: It can work smoothly in temperatures between -40ºC and + 85ºC.
  • Communication: Wireless (with radio wave)
  • Communication Type with Tom: It has Proximity Technology.
  • Dimensions: Length: 140 mm Diameter: 30 mm
  • Outer Case: ABS plastic covered stainless steel outer case.
  • Weight: 127.5 grams weight.
  • Operating System: It can be used without problems in all Windows operating systems.
  • Battery life: 30,000 readings can be done with a single charge.
  • Guarantee: They are guaranteed for 2 years against all production faults.



  • Working Temperature: -40ºC and + 85ºC Temperatures
  • Communication Type with Tom: Proximity technology.
  • Outer Case: ABS Plastic covered stainless steel outer case is available.
  • Weight: 127.5 grams in weight.
  • Operating System: Win98 & higher versions
  • Battery Duration: Up to 30,000 readings can be made with single charge.
  • Warranty Period:  2 years.



  • Operating Voltage: 3.6 Volt 12 Ma NIMH
  • Operating Temperature Range: -40ºC and + 85ºC
  • Communication Mode: Wireless (with radio wave) communication.
  • Communication type with Tom: One Wire
  • Weight: 157 gr.
  • Operating System: All Windows operating systems
  • Battery: 30,000 reading can be done with a single charge.
  • Warranty: Guaranteed for 2 years.


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