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MAGIC FACE MF 835 MF Face Recognition Device

Magic Face MF 835 MF Technical Specifications

Brand / Model: MAGIC FACE 835 MF Face Recognition Device
Scan Mode:  3D.
Recognition Distance: Reading at a distance of 30-90 cm.
Recognition Speed: 0.1 second speed
Camera: 610 Tvline
Display: Color screen
Face Recognition System Capacity: 300 people
Fingerprint Reading Capacity: 3,000 fingerprints
Password Recognition Capacity: 300 passwords
Mifare Card Capacity: 300 mifare card can be defined.
Log Capacity: 160,000 logs memory is available.
Detent - Dry contact: Door , turnstile system and the parking system can be opened by detenting.
In addition, the buzzer can be rung at any time.
Internal Battery: Operates with the internal battery unaffected by power interruptions.
Connection Type : TCP / IP, USB Memory Disk
Number of Scan Points: 5,500 reference scan points
Number of Recognition Points: 1,000 reference recognition points
Brand Owner / Importer: PERKOTEK
Support: Online support via telephone or remote connection  from PERKOTEK call center.
Tags: I want to have information about face recognition system, how face scanning is done ? what is face recognition system ? Are face detection systems reliable ? Using fields of face recognition devices , Is face recognition in 3D 
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