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MAGIC FACE MF 855 ID Face Scan Devices

Magic Face MF 855 ID Specifications

Brand / Model: MAGIC FACE MF 855 ID Face Scanning Devices
Scanning Mode: 3D.
Recognition Distance: 30-90 cm
Recognition Speed: 0.1 second
Camera: 600 Tvline
Display: color screen.
Face Recognition System Capacity: 1,000 face recording
Fingerprint Recognition Capacity: 2000 fingerprints
Password Capacity: 1,000 passwords
Proximity Card Capacity: 1.000 proximity card
Log Capacity: can store 200,000 records in memory.
Detent - Dry contact: Door , turnstile system and barrier system can be opened  by detenting. There is also buzzer ringing feature.
Internal Battery: Operates with the internal battery unaffected by power interruptions.
Connection Type: TCP / IP, USB Memory Disk
Number of Scan Points: 5,000 reference scan points
Number of Recognition Points: 1,000 reference recognition points
Brand Owner / Importer: PERKOTEK
Support: Online support via phone or remote connection from PERKOTEK call center.
Related Searches: Face recognition function, face recognition student tracking, face recognition cafeteria tracking , face recognition cafeteria tracking systems, face recognition software, face recognition software prices, face recognition news, face recognition systems news
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