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Magic Pass 12150 ID Door Opening Device With Card,Code Fingerprint Options

MAGIC PASS 12150 ID Technical Specifications

Sensor: ZEM x800
Processor: American Intel 32 bit X-scale
Dimensions: 88 88 35mm
Weight: 800 gr
Protection Standard: IP 54 is resistant to moisture, heat, dust, liquid and impact.
Processing Speed: 0.2 seconds
Record Type: Fingerprint, Proximity Card and Password
Incorrect Acceptance: 0.00001
Inaccurate Rejection: 0.01%
Recording capacity: 500 fingerprints, 500 Proximity cards and password can be recognized.
Function: Electronic lock, door sensor, alarm, exit button
Audible Warning: Yes
Detent: Turnstile, barrier and door can be opened.
Working Temperature: +60 - 45 Degrees
Humidity: 20% - 80%
Certifications: UL, CE, FCC, MA, ISO9001, EEP, CCS, ETS
Distributor: PERKOTEK is the Product Distributor in Turkey. Beware of counterfeits!!! 
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