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14 Oct. 2018
Perkotek Teknoloji A.S was at ISAF Fair!
 There was a great interest to PERKOTEK stand at the ISAF Fair held in between 11-14 October 2018, at the Istanbul Expo Center. Newly imported face recognition devices, fingerprint reading devices, turnstiles, xray devices, barriers and card readers were the most impressive products. We would like to thank all our dealers and visitors who visited our stand.
14 Sep. 2017
Perkotek is at the 2017 ISAF Exhibition
 There was a great interest to PERKOTEK stand at the ISAF exhibition which has been held in between 14th and 17th of September 2017 . Newly imported face recognition, fingerprint reading and card reader devices were the most eye catching products. Besides, our x-ray devices were also very popular. We would like to thank to all of our dealers and guests who have visited our stand!
06 Apr. 2017
 We took our place with two different stands at the SECURITEX exhibition held in Ankara Congresium  in between April 6 - 9. During the fair which has been passed with deep interest , we had plenty of opportunities to meet with Ankara, the nearby cities and the nation wide dealers. We would like to thank our dealers and dealer candidates who visited our stand.
21 Sep. 2015
PERKOTEK at the ISAF Exhibition
 There was a great interest to PERKOTEK stand at the ISAF exhibition which has been held in between 17 and 20 September 2015 . Newly imported face recognition, fingerprint reading and card reader devices were the most popular products.  We would like to thank to all of our dealers and guests who have visited our stand!
17 Sep. 2015
Touch Standalone Mifare and Proximity card readers were imported
The new generation of card readers which has touch sensitivity of the iphone display were imported. With Proximity card reader, proximity card and password reader, mifare card reader, mifare card and password reader models ,products are attracting intensive attention. The card and password readers, which have outdoor waterproof feature, have raised the level of the indicator system used in apartment entrance and exit one more time.Card reading devices capable of re...
06 Aug. 2015
New Face Recognition systems with SAMSUNG processor
Face recognition success is much higher with new face recognition systemThe import of MAGIC PASS 840 and 850 models was completed and taken to stock. The new generation face recognition systems with long distance and high success rates can also give dry contact to open doors and open barriers.  Models that can recognize the faces of 700 people without fault, have a casing to be affected by the sunlight at minimal level. The 840 and 850 models that can rea...
08 Jul. 2015
PERKOTEK Traditional Evening Meal During Ramadan
 PERKOTEK traditional fast-breaking dinner event was held with the participation of 65 members from our family.
14 Sep. 2014
PERKOTEK is growing!PERKOTEK Teknoloji , moves her 5  offices from PERPA  to her own Plaza which is consist of 3 basement floors +10 floors + 1 loft ,totally 14 floors which is placing on 2 acres of land at Mahmutbey Basın Expres road parallel.PERKOTEK Plaza, which has 10.000 sqm closed area,has been build by the group company PERKOTEK INSAAT . In the project, which has 100 closed parking spaces, ultimate intelligent building technology is used. It h...
20 Apr. 2014
Hotel Lock Systems, hotel lock. Perkotek, Turkey distributor of the products sold by her, has chosen GUSTAVO brand for the hotel door lock system.GUSTAVO card hotel locks, which are programmable to allow hotel guests to use their rooms at certain time intervals, have received high demand with its durable steel body, magnetic cylinder chamber, card reading speed and low battery consumption.GUSTAVO hotel room door locks which can read  Temic and Mifare cards are ...
03 Mar. 2014
Xray Baggage Searching and Scanning Detectors
Xray Baggage Searching and Scanning Detectors Xray luggage searching and scanning detectors;are the devices which allows you easily and quickly detecting the metal items placed in properties such as luggage, suitcases, bags . Those who will use these detectors have the title of xray operator and need to be trained. The usage of these detectors are also very simple.Although Xray devices were used only in areas where high-level security was required, nowadays, with th...
01 Feb. 2014
SENSITIVE Shop Unti Theft Systems have been imported
Shop unti theft antenna, product protection alarm tags SENSITIVE Shop Unti Theft Systems, which are manufactured to prevent product theft in stores, have been imported. The shop unti theft system which has been introduced to many companies in the textile and retail industry has got full marks.RF Shop Unti theft antenna, AM Product security antenna, 4x4 product security paper tag, 5x5 product security paper tag, R50 hard tag, round sticker, sun tag, drop tag, square...
28 Aug. 2008
774 people visited our stand at International ISAF 08 Security Exhibition
We were at the same place as usual  during in the biggest security fair of the sector, which was held in between 28-31 August 2008.In the exhibition which there was a huge turnout , fingerprint and card personnel attendance control systems, turnstiles, parking barriers, guard tour control systems, Proximity access control readers ,Metal body search detectors and many more products were exhibited.
04 Mar. 2008
PERKOTEK s dealers have exceeded the number of 1.800
Perkotek company that is the distributor of more than 40 products in Turkey, is proud of announcing that  registered product buying dealers number as 1800  .Not only in Turkey but also  Germany, Austria, England, Portugal, Canada, Holland, Iraq, Nigeria, Repuclic of Azerbaijan  ,Republic of Turkmenistan, Egypt, Holland and New Zealand are  as to be in the head  , We would like to thank all our dealers who are striving to flawlessly rep...
06 Sep. 2007
543 people visited our stand at ISAF 07 International Security Exhibition
Online and offline fingerprint terminals, Fingerprint door opening systems, Personnel Attendance Control System applications, Turnstile, barrier, metal detectors and access control systems which were imported by Perkotek from 9 countries and 14 different manufacturers, have been introduced to the visitors coming from many local and foreign companies  at the International ISAF Security Fair.  Turkish German co-production proximity terminals and Smart build...