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PERGUARD LCD Guard Tour Control System

PERGUARD LCD Screen Guard Tour Control System

  • It has an LCD screen and shows the time and the reading point or ID number of the card.
  • on the screen.
  • It has 16 MB of memory and can store up to 60,000 records .
  • It operates with RFID Technology and it does not need to press any key while reading the control points. It gives a warning that the reading is done in writing, lighted, audible or vibrating.
  • It automatically reads at a time shorter than 0.1 second when you approach the control point to a distance of 5 cm.
  • 3.6V chargeable.It has a Lithium battery.
  • It allows you to transfer data from its memory to a computer via USB and receive reports.
  • Operating Temperature: 40ºC + 85ºC
  • Dimensions are 130 * 29 * 30 (mm).
  • Weight  10gr.


PERGUARD LCD Guard Tour System Set Contents

  • 1 pcs PERGUARD LCD Guard Tour Pen
  • 6 pcs Proximity Control Points
  • 3 pcs Guard Tour Card
  • 1 pcs Pen Case
  • 1 pcs Data transfer and charge cable
  • 1 pcs Installation Cd


Related Search Labels: guard tour systems, guard tour control system, guard control, guard control  systems, guard control system, guard tour control system prices , smart pen, guard tour control with computer connection, guard tour,guard tour system.

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