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  • Descriptions


  • Due to having high sensitivity, the door-type metal body search detector can also alarm for all small metals when they are operated. It means that it is possible to set different sensitivities.
  • Thanks to the sensitivity setting, you can also adjust the different security levels for keys, bombs, coins, belt buckles, knives, weapons and all other explosives. You can quickly adjust the settings of the detector using the remote control.
  • This 18 zones  detector is manufactured as resistant to fire and water.
  • The sound level of the alarm given to the metal can be adjusted.
  • There is a password in the setting entries of the detectors. It is not possible to play with the settings without knowing the password. This ensures security.
  • The door-type metal search detector operates perfectly between temperatures of -20 to +70 degrees and <95% humidity.
  • The weight of the detector is 65 kg and dimensions  are 2230 x 820 x 630 mm.
  • It has a frequency range of  50 - 60 Hz and makes a power consumption of 35 Volt A.
  • The detector has a interference suppressor. They do not recognize these metals again by setting the metal density around  when they are firstly opened.
  • The number of people passing through and the number of alarms can be shown on the screen.
  • When you approach with a metal object to the walkthrough  type detector, it gives audible and light alarm. The exact opposite can also be detected when the metal is left, center or right.
  • It has GB 15210-1994 international general technical requirements and compatible  with NILECJ-0601 Personal safety standards and GB4793 basic safety standard.
  • Using SECUDA detector with sensitive metal detection technology is not harmful to heartbeat, pregnant ladies, magnetic software, tapes and video tapes.
  • Only 10 minutes will be enough to remove or install from where it is installed.

18 Zone bölgeli metal kapı tipi üst arama dedektörü


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