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The SECUDA SEC 950 Walk Through Metal Dedector, which is the best in its class, gives an alarm regardless of the location and direction of the metal passed through it. With its large LCD screen, all technical parameters, safety ratings and safety standards as well as sensitivity settings can be easily entered.
It divides the passing area in the door into 33 scanning slices, 11 from bottom to top and 3 from left to right, with sensors. By showing in which of these 33 zones the detected metal is, it allows the location of the dangerous substance to be determined instantly. Since the number of zones is more than 6 and 18 zone detectors, it scans more detailed and sensitively. Whether to give an alarm for metals of certain sizes and volumes can be set. For example, it should not give an alarm to the coin, but to the belt buckle. Thanks to this setting, transitions can be accelerated by preventing alarms for metals that are too small to pose a threat.
SECUDA SEC 950, which is ideal for places that require a high level of security; It can be used in airports, prisons, police and military buildings, party centers, immigration administration centers, crypto rooms, consulates and embassies, customs and border gates, 5-star hotels and luxury workplaces without any problems, on a 24/7 basis.
Number of Detection Zones: 33 Zone door detector
Display: Body search detector has a 5.7 inch LCD screen.
Sensitivity setting: Sensitivity can be adjusted between 0-255.
Scenario: Scenario can be created for 6 different transition sensitivities. Scenario 1 is very very sensitive Scenario 6 is just like people's bodies are sensitive and their feet are less sensitive.
Frequency: 13 separate frequencies can be defined so that the detectors that will operate side by side are not affected by each other.
Alarm Tone: 16 different alarm ringtones can be selected for metal alarms in transit.
Alarm Duration: Adjustable between 0-3 seconds.
Alarm Volume: 10 different volume levels can be set or the sound can be turned off completely.
Vertical Dimensions: 2210×840×460mm
Vertical Corridor Dimension: 2050×715×460mm
Packaging Dimensions: 2295×700×200mm
Net Weight: 39KG
Gross Weight: 44KG
Working Voltage: AC220V - 50/60Hz
Power Consumption: 12W
Operating Frequency Range: 1—50 Bands
Working Environment Temperature: -20℃~65℃
Installation Environment: Metal-free minimum spacing (W)100cm*(L)200cm to avoid interference
Detection Sensitivity Range: Sensitivity ≥10g Metal
Metal door detector has 33 scanning zones
In case of any power failure, the program information of the microprocessor is stored in the indelible memory, and when it is turned on again, it continues to work at the same settings.
Infrared start and stop function.
An admin password can be set for the menu entry.
Metals give signals even if they are tried to be camouflaged in any way.
Sensitivity level 0-255 can be adjusted independently in each detection area, and overall sensitivity can also be adjusted.
Additional security level can be specified between 0-100.
It has excellent anti-electromagnetic interference capability with digital signal processing filter systems.
Accurate scanning speed of electromagnetic waves generated by the micro-computer controller, flexible, reliable and stable sensitivity adjustments can be made.
Silent mode feature with adjustable alarm tones
Counts the passers-by.
The device is manufactured to be operated 7 days / 24 hours.
Our Walk-Through Metal Dedectors, which are sold with 100% domestic capital, impress with their after-sales technical service network. For our Walk-Through Metal Detectors, which are exported to 56 countries, you can call us to determine the most suitable model for your business and obtain the price list.

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