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SENSITIVE 540 RF Plexy Shop Anti Theft System Antenna

Technical Specifications

  • It is made of 20 mm Slim plexy, durable and elegant.
  • When leaky product passing through, it gives a loud signal and the flasher lamp on the top lights .
  • It has 3 separate detection zones.
  • It reads RF hard and paper tags.
  • Operation voltage AC (50 ~ 60Hz) is 110 ~ 220V.
  • It sets magnetic pollution around when first powered by intelligent board technology.
  • Open dimensions: 1525 * 200 * 20 mm.
  • Packed dimensions: 1590 * 290 * 145mm.
  • Operating Temperature:  between 0 and 45 degrees.
  • Paper tag scan distance: 1.4 m
  • Hard TAG scan distance: 2 m
  • Weight: 14 kg.
  • Product protection (Shop unti theft system)  antenna places of usage
  • Shops selling souvenirs and accessories, stores selling textiles and clothing, stores selling shoes and belts, stores selling food and cleaning products, stores selling glass ,plastics and decorative products, stores selling precious goods technology products. 

Related searches: shop unti theft , product security ( shop unti theft ) systems, shop unti theft system prices ,product protection systems, shop unti theft ,  product security systems ( shop unti theft ) , shop unti theft systems , store product alarm systems, store product protection system.

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