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STRIKE 25RP Proximity Card and Password Reader

STRIKE 25 RP Proximity Card and Password Reader

Card Capacity:
Password Capacity: 2,000
Reading Time: 0.01 seconds
Card Reading Distance: 0-5 cm
Usage with: Card, password or both
Keypad: Card, touch and backlit
Audible Warning: Audible warnings to defined and undefined cards with Piezo buzzer.
Usage: Indoor and outdoor IP65 waterproof standard
Standalone Mode: Yes, can work alone.
Combination door lock: Yes
Access control system: Yes
Interface: WG26/WG34 input and output. Can be connected to access control panels.
Door Trigger Time: Adjustable between 0-99 seconds
Trigger: NO/NC
Doorbell: Button and contact to ring the doorbell
Function: Card recognition and deletion
Lock Output Load: ≤ 3A
Energy: 12 V - 30mA
Operating Humidity: 10% - 90%
Operating Temperature: -45 ℃ to +60 ℃
Dimensions: 75*114*16mm
Terms: Card, combination door lock, combination lock, combination door lock, combination door, card access system, card unlocking, automatic door lock, card door lock, door lock systems
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