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Strike 7 60 Water Proof Outdoor İp 68 Card Reader

STRIKE 7.60 Card and Password Access Control Device Technical Features

 It is IP 68 protection standard and it is waterproof and can be used inside and especially outside.
It can recognize 3000 proximity cards and passwords.
ARM processor with fast read and fast response.
Provides a high level of protection against impact with the bronze metal frame.
It can detent  standalone  without connecting the computer and can open the door
Magnetic  contact can be connected.
The detent time can be adjusted.
It supports WIEGAND 26/34 inputs / outputs.
It has touch-illuminated keys.
It can read cards from max.15 cm.
Working temperature: -45 ℃ ~ 60 ℃
Weight: 600g
Working Voltage: 12 V 1.5 A
Dimensions: 160mm * 43mm * 21mm dir.
RELATED SEARCH: IP68 card reader, waterproof indicator, card and password reader, metal outdoor card access system
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