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STRIKE APT5 Intelligent Smart Apartment Door Lock

STRIKE APT5 Intelligent / Smart Apartment Door Lock

Installation of the APT5  system, which can be attached to apartment doors and exterior garden doors, is quite simple. In the set, there are 2 proximity card readers and 10  key fob chains so that you can read the card and open the door both from the outside and inside. With its remote control, new card and indicator can be defined as well as opening the door.
Set Content;
1 pc.  Stainless steel Intelligent/Smart  door lock
2 pcs. Proximity card readers
1  pc.master card
10 pcs. Proximity  key  fob chains
3 pcs.Mechanical keys
1 pc. Remote control
1 set of Mounting brackets
Related: Intelligent / Smart lock , smart lock , electronic apartment lock,   
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