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Strike Sc 902 Mifare Access Control Device

SC902 MF Cloud Mifare Card Reader

  • It has a capacity of 50,000 users.
  • It can recognize 50,000 Mifare Card or password.
  • It has 160,000 logs capacity.
  • Passings can be done by Mifare card or password
  • The card it reads can be instantly sent via CLOUD to a computer in a different location.
  • The TFT color display shows the calendar, clock, card number and icons.
  • When the card is read it shows the name of the user on the screen and indicates that it accepts the card with a beep sound.
  • The cards are 13,56 Mhz mifare and they can be read by showing to the card reader.
  • The keys can be programmed as desired.
  • It gives a sabotage alarm when it is removed from its place.
  • Because TCP / IP is ethernet-based, it can be connected to the terminals at different points via Internet.
  • Width: 9 cm x Height: 12 cm x Depth: 4 cm.
  • It can be connected to the computer as LAN or WAN.
  • It can detent for  barrier and door opening  with its internal relay.
  • It does not have to be constantly connected to the computer. Provides offline operation by registering data in its own memory.
  • It may receive technical support from the Internet depending on the client's request.
  • For the same card , if multiple consecutive use will be desired than the first card will be acceptable .
  • It does not accept any other cards that are read
  • The memory is not erased in case of power failure.
  • By means of the built-in speaker can play the melody 8 times a day.
  • With the memory disk, the information in the memory or the defined cards can be moved to different devices and vice computers.

Related Search Tags: card reader, card reader prices, card reader price, card access system, card access control systems, access control with card system, access control with card systems prices, strike card access system, strike card reader

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