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Under vehicle search mirror which is designed for security and control has been used to detect if there are dangerous items (knives, bombs, etc.) under the vehicles passing through the barriers. It Under vehicle search mirror used by the security officers in car parks is a product that mostly preferred by Security Companies. At the same time, it is also used in government offices, plazas, shopping centers, military areas, police stations, automobile repair shops, private companies and similar areas. Your safety will be 100% with the under vehicle search mirror that has become essential for security.

Under vehicle search mirror is also designed to be convex for a more comfortable use. With the LED flashlight positioned at the upside of under vehicle search mirror, night-time searches are performed more simply. With the ergonomic shape of under vehicle search mirror,the side which will be hold by hand  is ideal for continuous use and will provide great comfort in use. Under vehicle search mirror which is offered by Perkotek for sale is also a battery-powered light. The flashlight can continue to operate with standard  AAA batteries. It also has electrostatically painted pipe body profile. Since the holding area is plastic coated,  never harms to hand  in continuous use. So How under vehicle searh mirror is used ? This mirror is kept under the vehicles that will enter your parking lot. Although the luggage of the vehicles are controlled by security personnel, dangerous substances can be entered to parking lots or all areas where you will be able to use, as may be hidden under vehicles. You can instantly notice the dangers underneath the vehicles with under vehicle  search mirror that you can safely choose to remove  such dangerous situations.

Thanks to the global omnidirectional wheel  of the Under Vehicle Search Mirror, it will be fairly simple to control all parts of the car from head to foot. You can be confident that you are safe with an under vehicle search mirror produced with everything in mind for the simple use of the security officer. Moreover, the handle is adjustable and the viewing is also quite sharp.Under vehicle search mirror which offers you a Great light illumination in night time use , can be preferred with safety ; in embassies, factory entries and in any entry area where you may imagine. With the different models of under vehicle search mirro,r you can create wonders in many areas.

Our company Perkotek has produced many solutions for vehicle safety since its establishment. One of the most commonly preferred of these is the under vehicle search mirror , which is AVAX brand. Also Perkotek, is the Turkey distributor of AVAX  Under Vehicle Search Mirror. If you want to ensure your safety with Avax Under Vehicle Search Mirror, you can also contact us by dialing 0850 811 80 00.

Why lose your time and risk your safety? Contact with us from our phone numbers and you will find great solutions! Do not waste time and buy Avax Under Vehicle Search Mirror Turkey Distributor.

Our sales managers will give you the cheapest price quotation for this quality product!

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