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V90 Swing Gate Turnstiles


Case (Housing): AISI 304 quality stainless, resistant to external atmosphere.
Arm: Aluminum Anodized and Thermic. Plexy glass wing between arms.
Operation: Riding with motor in both directions. The mechanical ride is based on the drive and in case of encountering an obstacle during closing or opening of the arm ,it opens the passing space by returning  to the direction of where it comes from, If automatic closing is on, then it applys time counting and continues opening and/or closing process. If the arm makes this action five times and can not come back to the open and / or close position, it will give an audible warning and go to the emergency mode.
Emergency: The arms allow free passing  in case of power cut. In situations like fire, panic, etc. it is comply with to connected to all the panels as well. The turnstile automatically permits free passing if the contact or cable connection cut that may come from such devices . It can be selected on the control card in which direction the arm will be opened in this mode.
Power Supply: 220 VAC, 60 Hz
Operating Temperature: -15 C / +60 C
Passing Speed: The motor speed can be set from 1.5 to 2.5 seconds range on the electronic control board.
Passing Space: 85cm (85cm arm + 5cm gap)
Weight: 20 kg
Area of Use: It is suitable for indoor and outdoor .
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